Friday, December 23, 2016

How to Generate Business Leads Online For FREE by Ed Kirwan

How to Generate  Business Leads Online For FREE 

My system will give you unlimited, up to the minute fresh business leads for free.

 It's a pretty cool system and I'm going to show you how to use three tools in conjunction with each other

The first program, it's a free program called IMO tool box.

If you've never heard of IMO toolbox  it's a all business advertising site with over 300,000 visitors daily.  This makes it the biggest or least one of the biggest traffic sites in the world today with over 100,000 members.

Join here:

I show you how to use the two tools together. You can really put a lot of people in your business with these 2 programs.

With MLMROD  you can put your own businesses in there as an advertisement its a $15 program only 1 payment, no recurring payments just a one-off fee.

See more here:

When you dealing with a networking industry they all want to tell you about your business.  So you asked for a brief description on the name of the company.

 If the name of the company is there then of course you would admit that part of the script and change it and ask how long they've been in the business.

 Now remember these are leads and you want to be taking them where you want them to go that's all part of being a leader because the majority of these people aren't making any money in that business and they don't know what to do next.

 Remember you're not trying to recruit them into your business you're trying to help them because that's what this industry is all about  and that's what I'm doing now I'm trying to help you get leads to your business.

 I'm going to give you the script as it works for me you can edit it as you like but this is what I can for me now.

 I'll also give you two more scripts which work with IMO tool box and that way they will get to seeing your main program.

 Now we're going to head over to Facebook but if you don't use Facebook you can use this in any social media program you're using with us LinkedIn or Twitter

 But because Facebook has so many ad groups which don't generally give you any leads at all, this method does, this method works because there are so many large advertising groups that you can join.

 So what we're looking for is people that have posted in these groups between the present time and say 30 minutes ago.  And we're going to look for good companies as you noticed it most of the ads don't get any comments at all.  All you need to do is put in something like amazing that's great interesting and wait for them to get back to you.

The third program is also free. Global Money Line provides fresh leads daily straight into your back office.

Open a free account here:

Global Money Line Review - FREE Bonus for MoneyLine Members



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